The aim of the reviewed scientific and technical articles published in the journal of Forensic Engineering should be to describe specific issues in the different branches of forensic engineering (both technical and economic – road accident analysis, assessment of defects and failures in machine equipment, vehicles and properties, property valuation). The articles should be focused on the general issues of the sub-discipline given or on a specific case from practice. The conclusions of the article should then be generalized and formulated for other experts to be able to use them when dealing with other similar cases.

All the professional and scientific contributions are reviewed. A member of the editorial board was usually one of the reviewers – an expert in the given branch, who also recommended whether the contribution should be accepted or refused. An expert external to the Institute of Forensic Engineering was another one. Since the 19th volume, the professional and scientific contributions have been reviewed by two experts, who, based on the requirements of the Council for Science, Research and Innovation, are not:

  1. from one workplace,
  2. from the same workplace as the author or co-author of the article,
  3. exclusively the employees of the publisher,
  4. members of the board.

The translation of a citation of the definition of review procedures by the Council for Science, Research and Innovation:
A review procedure is an assessment procedure applied to every scientific piece of work (or artistic piece of work) prior to its publishing and the reviewers’ (assessors’) comments are incorporated into the final published version. A reviewed work means that after receiving a proposed article, expert and independent assessment is carried out (the assessor must not be exclusively an employee of the editorial office or the publisher; if there are more reviewers, they must not be from the same workplace; none of the reviewers must work at the same workplace as the author), based on which the author modifies the work and it is then published.

A separate category comprises articles providing information significant for experts (internet pages, books, new equipment, software, conferences, etc.). These contributions are not subject to review obligations.